Werksmag Consilium Pty Ltd

Plaasbestuurder/Farm Manager ( D07)

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Job Location

Northern Cape, South Africa

Job Description

Plaasbestuurder Privaat Wildreservaat Ligging: Kakamas, Noord-Kaap (Laer Oranjerivier) Oorsig van die Rol Ons klient soek 'n bekwame en entoesiastiese plaasbestuurder om die daaglikse bedrywighede en projekte op 'n 20 000 ha private wildreservaat te bestuur. Die eiendom is tans in ontwikkeling as 'n eksklusiewe eko-toerisme-bestemming en bewaringsgebied, met die moontlikheid om deel te word van die Augrabies Nasionale Park in samewerking met SANParks. Die pos is ideaal vir 'n dinamiese individu of paartjie met n passie vir bewaring en 'n aktiewe leefstyl. Salaris : R32 000 bruto per maand x 13 (of R48 000 per maand vir 'n paartjie). Akkommodasie : Gratis verblyf en nutsdienste. Voertuig : Maatskappyvoertuig beskikbaar vir werksdoeleindes. Verlof : 30 dae per jaar, insluitend openbare vakansiedae (verlof beperk tot die lae seisoen). Pligte en Verantwoordelikhede Die kandidaat sal rapporteer aan die uitvoerende bestuurder op die perseel en die volgende verantwoordelikhede hanteer: Wild- en Bewaringsbestuur Monitering en bestuur van wildbevolkings en genetiese gesondheid. Samewerking met navorsers en konsultante rakende indringerflora en -fauna. Bewaring van natuurlike hulpbronne, insluitend warmwaterbronne. Infrastruktuur en Onderhoud Inspeksie en onderhoud van geboue, grense, paaie, landingsbane, waterpunte en heiningstelsels. Bestuur van water- en besproeiingstelsels. Koördinering met boukontrakteurs en ingenieurs oor ontwikkelingsprojekte. Personeel- en HR-bestuur Werwing, opleiding en ontwikkeling van plaaswerkers. Bestuur van daaglikse arbeid en skedulering. Administrasie en Sekuriteit Bestuur van toevoerkettings in samewerking met die uitvoerende bestuurder. IT-administrasie en basiese rekeningkundige pligte. Toesig oor sekuriteit op die perseel. Landbou- en Gasvryheidsprojekte Bestuur van 'n organiese vrugte- en groenteplaas. Ondersteuning van gasvryheidsfunksies indien nodig. Versorging van plaasdiere. Vaardighede en Eienskappe Die ideale kandidaat beskik oor die volgende: Vlot in Afrikaans en Engels. Sterk kennis van plaasbestuur, spesifiek in die Noord-Kaap. Ervaring in wildbestuur en bewaring. Vaardigheid in HR-bestuur en vaardigheidsontwikkeling. Basiese IT-administrasie en boekhouding. Belangstelling in volhoubare en eko-vriendelike praktyke. Praktiese kennis van algemene plaasonderhoud. Farm Manager Private Game Reserve Location: Kakamas, Northern Cape (Lower Orange River) Our client is looking for a skilled and enthusiastic farm manager to oversee daily operations and projects on a 20,000-hectare private game reserve. The property is currently being developed into an exclusive eco-tourism destination and conservation area, with potential future inclusion in the Augrabies National Park in collaboration with SANParks. This role is ideal for a dynamic individual or couple with a passion for conservation and an active lifestyle. Salary: R32,000 gross per month x 13 (or R48,000 per month for a couple). Accommodation: Free housing and utilities. Vehicle: Company vehicle available for work purposes. Leave: 30 days annually, including public holidays (leave restricted to the off-season). Responsibilities and Duties The candidate will report to the on-site executive manager and handle the following responsibilities: Wildlife and Conservation Management Monitor and manage game populations and genetic health. Collaborate with researchers and consultants on invasive flora and fauna. Conserve natural resources, including hot springs. Infrastructure and Maintenance Inspect and maintain buildings, boundaries, roads, airstrips, watering points, and fencing. Manage water and irrigation systems. Coordinate with building contractors and engineers on development projects. Staff and HR Management Recruit, train, and develop farmworkers. Manage daily labor and scheduling. Administration and Security Manage supply chains in collaboration with the executive manager. Handle IT administration and basic accounting tasks. Oversee on-site security. Agricultural and Hospitality Projects Manage an organic fruit and vegetable farm. Support hospitality functions as needed. Care for farm animals. Skills and Attributes The ideal candidate will possess: Fluency in both Afrikaans and English. Strong knowledge of farm management, particularly in the Northern Cape. Experience in wildlife management and conservation. Proficiency in HR management and skills development. Basic IT administration and accounting skills. Interest in sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Practical knowledge of general farm maintenance.

Location: Northern Cape, ZA

Posted Date: 1/7/2025
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Werksmag Consilium Pty Ltd


January 7, 2025
UID: 4964837678

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