Jobs near Depok
Operation and PPIC Supervisor
Tangerang Selatan
Team Leaders/Supervisors (Maufacturig, Trasport & Logistics)Cotract/TempCompay Overview:...
Walk in Interview Medical Representative Tangerang Selatan
Tangerang Selatan
Skip to cotetMarketig Commuicatios (Marketig & Commuicatios)Full timeAdd expected salary to your profile for isightsWaktu:...
Sales Executive
Tangerang Selatan
Taggug Jawab:Mejali relasi dega existig cliet, da melegkapi database hirarki pada perusahaa klieMeagai da meyelesaika...
Production Section Head
Productio, Plaig & Schedulig (Maufacturig, Trasport & Logistics)Full timeCompay: PT. Sutrakabel ItimadiriPT....
Account Payable
Job DescriptioHow do your skills match this job?Sig i ad update your profile to get isights.Your applicatio...
Finance Accounting and Tax Specialist (FAT)
Fiace Accoutig ad Tax Specialist (FAT)Resposibilities:Prepare ad aalyze mothly, quarterly, ad aual fiacial reports.Maage...
Maintenance Engineer
Maiteace Egieer is a professioal resposible for coordiatig the activities durig geeral maiteace ad routie upkeep of the compay’s...
Finance Accounting Officer
Full timeMaage all activities from ivoices issued to paymets ad updates of the systemMaitai accurate fiacial records of...
Product Specialist - Jabodetabek
Retail Assistats (Retail & Cosumer Products)Your applicatio will iclude the followig questios:How may years' experiece...
Data Analyst
Tangerang Selatan
Mathematics, Statistics & Iformatio Scieces (Sciece & Techology)Full timeResposibilities:Aligig aalysis...